About Us

General education at Osaka University is brought to the students by the faculty members from all the Schools and Faculties at the university. The Center for Education in Liberal Arts and Sciences (CELAS) is responsible for the design and development of such an education, as well as its implementation and coordination. We also promote and support the development and enhancement of teaching and learning at Osaka University. Accordingly, the Center has three departments dedicated to this duty: the Department of Planning and Development, the Department of Curriculum Coordination, and the Department of Teaching and Learning Support.


Department of Planning and Development

These three divisions design and develop (also implement and coordinate for 2.) the curriculum for general education.

1. General Education Division
is responsible for Liberal Arts General Education for all undergraduate students and Basic Major Education for first and second year undergraduate students
2. Sports and Health Education Division
is responsible for Health and Sports education for first and second year undergraduate students

Department of Curriculum Coordination

Here, faculty members, who also serve as instructors, from respective faculties take the lead in the smooth implementation of general education for first and second year undergraduate students, according to the policy agreed at curriculum meetings.

1. Basic Major Subjects Division
is in charge of Basic Major Subjects
2. Liberal Arts Division
is in charge of Liberal Arts General Education Courses

Department of Teaching and Learning Support

This department is responsible for promoting and supporting the development and enhancement of teaching and learning at Osaka University.